We create our future with every word, thought, feeling, and action. We are constantly creating and recreating ourselves. And we can live more satisfying lives by easily establishing new micro habits. Micro habits are tiny actions that we can do every day. Habits are memories that we act upon daily. So when we change our tiny habits, we change us.
Let’s take a look at the subtleties of creating micro habits…
When you watch the news and walk away feeling distressed and burdened...
Limit your news to 30 minutes in the middle of the day
When you focus and fear for your health on a daily basis…
Check-in with your body and observe without judgement and have gratitude for your health
When you unconsciously watch tv and allow all sorts of disturbing images in….
Be aware of what you watch, how long you watch it, and how you feel after it’s over. Change the channel.
When you eat things that have little nutritive value…
Enjoy what you eat and be aware of how it affects you., ie stomach aches, headaches, muscle pains.
When you wish your life away waiting for things to be better...
Enjoy the moment. And say to yourself, in this moment I am safe and whole.
When your animals speak and you do not listen…
Our animals are always giving us information. It ranges from subtle to aggressive. They just want you to be happy.
When you stay isolated and don’t ask for much-needed help…
We need community and if you find yourself alone regularly. Begin to reach out and pick up the phone
When your sleep is filled with unexamined nightmares…
Nightmares are important dreams that get louder when we don’t pay attention.
Work with your dreams. Write them down, talk about them, draw about them. Talk with a counselor.
When you drink or use substances without conscious awareness…
Notice how you feel, it will be clear whether their use is healing or not.
When you judge others for their choices…
Every time we judge someone, the judgement boomerangs back to us. Is it really worth it?
Take a moment and change even just one of these things. Don’t go crazy because just one consistently performed micro habits will jump-start establishing healthier life skills. Micro habits/new neural pathways are the important building blocks to a wholer, more satisfying you.
It takes about 30 days to create new habits. Take a moment and begin right now.