I have been practicing Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique for about 18 months. With every session, I am more aware that it is a powerful life changing modality. It is a personal healing session between your conscious and unconscious self. It is all that you know communicated to you through hypnosis. My role is to be a clear facilitator who asks pertinent questions and holds safe space.
If you have been curious about the kinds of questions that people ask, these are a few of them:
- What is the dark cold feeling inside of me?
- What is the meaning of my repetitive nightmares?
- Was I really making contact with Extra-terrestrials in my dreams?
- How can I be more successful at work? Is this the right job for me?
- Can I heal myself?
- What do I need to know about my chronic fear of Alzheimer’s?
- What is my life’s purpose?
- Why am I here?
- Why is it so important to live by the water, mountains, the desert etc?
- Why do I always apologize?
- Is my committed relationship healthy for me?
- Is my deceased dog a spirit guide?

The answers are clear, and not what you thought they would be. I had someone say,” I know this information but why can’t I remember it.” Our conscious mind holds 10% of available resources and the unconscious mind holds 90%.
Stay tuned for the next blog post! I will list the top answers from QHHT Sessions.
By doing QHHT, you are accessing the 90%. That is an incredible resource and life changer.
Contact me today if you are curious about QHHT.