Once upon a long moment ago, there was magic that was whispered though the forests of Glenmere. This place was brought into being by a council of wise Elders. There were graceful elves, enchanted fairies, protective trees, ingenuous gnomes, wise dragons, creative humans, wild sasquatch, and cosmic star people gathered within these woods. Of course, watching everyone, there were the sentient animal beings who offered their silent yet brilliant wisdom. Everyone vowed to create a anctuary of balance and mutual respect.
Glenmere was a place where time was fluid. It was a time that we yearned for with all our hearts. A lace that allows for differences in the same breath as cooperation. There was a curious young elfin named BlueBell. Whenever, she looked outside her beautiful home, she saw questions to answer and so many beings that were eager to guide her.
One day, Bluebell was taking a walk and felt a presence of a different kind. Remember, she was about 2 feet tall, had long golden hair, extremely pointy ears and the most beautiful green as grass eyes. She could run as easily as walk. She could climb tall trees standing up and then fly to the ground. She was proud of her gifts. She was most excited about her superpower of listening. She tilted her pointy ears carefully in every direction. She heard a baby robin chirping good morning, the trees whispering caution to each other, the worms moving up and down in an earthing dance and then the beating of a drum.
As she put her pointy ears to the earth, she heard the worms say,” She is coming. She is coming. She is coming”.
She looked up and saw baby hootlets in the tree. They were mouthing she is coming.
What does that mean? Who is she?
A big fly came and sat upon her hand and whispered “Do not be afraid. She is coming”.
Bluebell was confused. What to do? She sat on the green grass and waited. She did not know what she was waiting for. Since time was bending all around her, she knew that the answer would come.
Soon the beating of the drum, became louder and louder. Bluebell got up and started to dance. She moved slowly and then fast and then slowly again. She closed her eyes and opened them to see a beautiful woman in front of her. She couldn’t believe her eyes. So, she closed them again. The woman started laughing and said, “Yes I am here”. What are your desires? Close your eyes and tell me what would make you feel happy right now?
Since, Bluebell was used to magic and this was certainly magic. She closed her eyes and spoke
Number 1. I want a special friend that understands me
Number 2. I want love
Number 3. I want to be able to sing like a bird
Those are beautiful wishes. I want you to close your eyes again.
Take a picture in your mind of each of your wishes.
Can you do that?
Now put a beautiful colored bubble around each picture.
Take a big breath and blow the bubbles, one by one up into space and let them go.
The small elf said “thank you so much. What do I call you? Do you have a name”?
The beautiful woman said “Sarah is my name. Nice to meet you Bluebell. See you in your dreams."