A very long time ago, we lived very connected to the natural world. We decided how we would spend our day by noticing the signs of nature around us. We would notice the language of the earth to determine whether we would plant, go fishing or go hunting. We have lost the language of the earth. These days, we barely pay attention unless there is a huge weather event announced by the media.
The earth is wise and has its own extensive knowledge. When did we get so cocky that we decided to ignore it and treat it with irreverence? Perhaps we need to remember that we are a balance of human doing and human being. The “human doing” is the relentless pursuit of material successes. The “human being" part is the quieter, self- reflective and wiser part of us. The part that connects to our higher selves or our subconscious.
Nature is a direct connection to our “human being” part. We can start the human being practice by noticing which creatures show up in your day.
A heron, announces pay attention and follow your own dreams
A opossum, brings the wisdom of a spiritual warrior, who brings adaptability and resourcefulness during chaotic times.
A coral snake symbolizes flexibility and spiritual wisdom.
A dragonfly symbolizes transformation and going deeper into your human being.
A hawk helps us to see the bigger picture
A groundhog symbolizes a deep spiritual awakening.
So, take notice, you are constantly getting messages from nature. It may be time to pay attention. You are wiser than you know.